Oikonomia literally means household management and, as a term it denotes a broad spectrum of theological meanings including God’s providence and dispensation. According to oikonomia, a norm of canon law might be suspended and, in most cases, oikonomia would be implemented by a bishop in order to achieve pastoral benefits in circumstances where the application of full canonical standards is not possible. However oikonomia cannot be applied to matters of faith, since it would distort the Canon of Truth. In the words of Eulogios, Patriarch of Alexandria (d. 607): “One rightly can practice oikonomia whenever pious doctrine remains unharmed.”
I share this recording of an M.Div. class with permission from the participants. At the beginning of the class, Dr. Heith-Stade, an Orthodox Canonist from Veinna, answers questions about home readings. Then, he briefly outlines the oikonomia (philosophy of canons' application) in canon law.